Thu 09 Jan
:¦:- TOO -:¦:- GOOD -:¦:- TO -:¦:- BE -:¦:- TRUE :¦:- ID: 143545 - 23
(In/West Springfield...ALL OVER CT/MA)
-:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- T H _P R F C T_C H O I C -:¦:- ♛ -:¦:-# - 22
-:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- T H _P R F C T_C H O I C -:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- - 22
(Springfield, out calls only)
☔️CrAzY wEaThEr SpEcIaLs OnLy 🌜✨ FrEe hlf hr w hlf hr paid💋 In calls only💋 out calls starting@150 - 30
(East Windsor&surrounding; area 24/7💦💋, Springfield)
EaRly frIDay ✨fun❕FleXiBle FrEaKy GreAt SpEcIaLs📞calLask 70 Rose samanth 774 540 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
1 hr ntc, 2 girls avail, deals 4 regs:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
💕✨🌟👠💄HOT YOUNG SEXY Upscale Foreign That's Very Discreet 💕 ✨🌟👠💄 - 21
1 hr ntc;2 grls avail; deals 4 regs:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
1 hr ntc, deals 4 regs: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
Wed 08 Jan
-:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- T H _P R F C T_C H O I C -:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, OUT CALLS ONLY)
Scheduling for tomorrow & all week:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
Short notice/time SPECIALS till 6 pm: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
*:©:* S U P E R ©:* S E X Y *:©:* H O T T I E ! ! ! *:VISITING FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! - 23
♥lets play with each other❕♥ ready to meet the real deal ❔❗❓❕♊ girls available✨ JeSSiCa774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
✨ fantastic Tuesday Specials♥ Let Me relives Your Stress♥ ♊ Girls Available❗❕ Sexy Lexi 774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
avilable now!!!!! late-night treat Olivia lets have fun'AVAIL NOW' tonight only - 21
(Springfield, springfield hartford ct outcalls)
💙🍭❄-- Why Have 1 W.3.t, Warm Mouth When You Can Have 2? Only In Town Until 6:30am!! Call/Text ASAP - 24
(Hartford, Springfield)
~__ Y__O__U __R __~__S __E__X__ X__Y__~ __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ ~__ S__E__C __R__E__T __~ - 22
:¦:- TOO -:¦:- GOOD -:¦:- TO -:¦:- BE -:¦:- TRUE :¦:- TOO -:¦:- GOOD - 23
((incall-east hartford) (out-htrd/sprnfld)
º(¯`'UPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯) DREAMGIRL (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯) ★ ¸.'´¯)º - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, OUT CALLS ONLY)
19 yrs old Super Sexy Gypsy/Russian Mix - 19
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Boston/Cambridge/North Shore/South Shore)
1 hrs' notice till 5:30 pm: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
♡♥2HOt2hANdLe¤¤¤ New In TOWN... Ebony PLAYMATE..All new Pix.. - 23
(Springfield, West springfield / Incall)
1 hr's notice needed today till 7:30pm:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
Down City Divas ! Now Hiring for divas tour work for both agency Mass an RI - 18
(Cape Cod, ri/mass, Springfield)
*¨ ¨*:. ★ ; .:*¨¨* LaSt DaY In T0WN *¨¨*: . ★ ; .:*¨¨* DoNt MiSs OuT *¨*: !!!!!!! - 23
(WeSt SpRiNgFiElD)
LookIng fOr a OpEn Minded female To SpeNd time with 2girl TWINS AVAILABLE SEXY LEXI 774 540 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield)
Tue 07 Jan
Have you ever had a thing for that Hot mom next door? - 35
(Springfield, (Franklin County, Athol Areas Only))
💋💋💋💋💋🌟💖Inner City Sweetheart!!💖🌟💋Your Dream Girl💋🌟Sweet & Sexy🌟💋💋💋💋💋 - 23
(Springfield, ☎️Out Calls Only!☎️🚘🏡)
amazing*♡*✨♊ girl specials 100 rose 🌹 hh 🎆 dont miss out be completely satisfieD sam774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
*-:¦:-*~ B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M § ~*-:¦:- - 24
Thursday specials sexy fun 🎉 and only 21 ❕❗( 2 girls170 rose wow 😲 ) samntha774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
💋 Convenient Downtown in call💋💋Your pleasure is my profession💋Let me 💨your mind💋CC ACCEPTED - 28
(Springfield, Springfield area,Berkshires,Worcester, H)
amazing*♡*✨♊ girl specials 140 rose 🌹 hh 🎆 dont miss out be completely satisfieD sam774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
★ EXOTIC ★CARIBBEAN ★ **College Hottie** $100 in+out call - 19
(Springfield, Boston (South/North shore))
Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
$$45$$ Exclusive √ Sexy √ Thick √ Lips of a Goddess √ What more do you need??45 specials till 5pm - 21
Mon 06 Jan
out call specail's all day 12-10pm only no calls after 10pm please - 29
(Springfield, local out calls only)
out calls with a sexy exotic babe 12-11pm only - 29
(Springfield, local out calls to your house only)
sexxy upscale indian beauty for out calls only - 29
(Springfield, local out calls to your house only)
sexy --- curvy --- too --- skilled --- for --- words - 27
(Springfield, West Springfield in call only)
ITS saturdAY❕❗©🅾♏⛎♑Wi♑d wiTh s🅰♏🅰nŤh🅰❕❗ d🅾⛎🅱LE tHe FuN 2 GIRLS 160 roses in call Sam774 540 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
Sun 05 Jan
Scheduling for tomorrow & Thursday: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
ONLY AROUND TONIGHT!!! ***sexy rican mami*** very skilled*** dont miss out - 19
(Springfield, West Springfield in and out)
Scheduling 4 tmrw & wknd; 2 girls avail:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
smoken hot indian beauty ready to come to you out calls only - 28
(Springfield, springfield out calls)
❤ SEXY PLAYMATE Available ❤ 100% REAL PHOTOS! ❤ - 22
Sat 04 Jan
sexy petite blonde!! visiting and taking calls all night - 23
(Springfield, incall or out call, wmass)
Fri 03 Jan
Scheduling for Weds and all week: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
Scheduling for Weds eve/Thurs: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
Thu 02 Jan