Mon 13 Jan
Scheduling for Saturday and Sunday: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
🐍🌿P O I S O N ... Yourself 🍸🍹🍷IVY-amazingASS 413 335 0892 - 35
(Springfield, West springfield/ Riverdale st)
Sun 12 Jan
out calls with the #1 sexxy exotic mariah - 29
(Springfield, out calls to your house only local area)
ItS Saturday ✨come unwind 🌠with 1 or ♊ females✨ Openmind girls gone wild Samantha 774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
★ MEET ★ BUSTY ★ BRANDY ★ 38 GG ★★ ViXeN..Im BACK - 22
(Springfield, windsor locks, springfield,hartford)
Sat 11 Jan
Scheduling for tomorrow and Thurs: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
lets have some 🌠thursdaY✨fun❕❗❕♊ gîrl§ §PËçïål§💕 àväïlâblë ñøw jü§ť ä📞calL àWAsamanth 774 540 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
👄👄Beautiful Exotic Latin woman** DONT MISS OUT- Outcalls - 23
(Worcester, Worcester / westboro / Framingham)
:¦:- TOO -:¦:- GOOD -:¦:- TO -:¦:- BE -:¦:- TRUE :¦:- TOO -:¦:- GOOD - 23
♥ GORGEOUS *★* Sensual *★* Petite *★* Vixen ♥ COMPLETE PACKAGE!! - 22
(Springfield, OUT CALLS ONLY)
💕 sick of the hassle ❓❔ just want something quick and simple❔❓✨ 2 girls Candace & missy just 📱 awaY - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield)
😍😍SeXy ☆ FrEaKy ☆ 100% REAL PICS ☆ BuStY ☆ BeAuTiFuL ☆ItAliAn ☆😍😍Brand NEW!! - 26
(Springfield, west springfield)
❇ its Sunday ❗ have a long weekend ❓ come release some stress ✨ avil now(2 girls)Sam 774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
Fri 10 Jan
*-:¦:-*~ B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M § ~*-:¦:- - 24
•-:¦:- ♛ • •-:¦:-• T H €_P € R F € C T_C H O I C € •-:¦:-• • ♛ -:¦:-• - 22
(Springfield, out calls only)
Vanessa is back dont miss out on my 2 girl special ♥ just a phone 📞awa207 937 9788 - 20
(chicopee in and out call, Springfield)
💌💎💖brand new l@teNight special 100%real😙👅👄 - 22
(Springfield, chicopee /Springfield)
ItS mOnDay⭐night ✨come unwind 🌠with 1 or ♊ females✨ Openmind girls gone wild Samantha 774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
.**(¯` ☆' ´¯) __ °C°° O° °M° °E° _ _ °P°°L° A°Y° __ (¯`' ☆·' ´¯)**.# - 22
(Springfield, OUT CALLS ONLY)
NEW PICS!! THE🍦SWEET n SLIPPERY🍦 gorgeous [5🌟] 💦F R E A K Y💦 100% REAL💋POL!SH GODDESS [24/7] - 23
-:¦:-So SWeeT-:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:-NeVeR RuSHeD - 26
(Springfield, West Springfield (in call only))
¯`'.¸ ★¸. LeT ME BE YouR SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'.¸ ★¸. - 19
(Springfield, west springfield-in and out calls)
Last Night In Town Outcall Special 💎😘😘😘💋💋. Sexy Thick Latina Outcalls💋🍒👄 - 27
(Outcall specials western mass, Springfield)
H I G H L Y♥ ஐ Q U A L I F I E Dஐ ♥ S E D U C T R E S S - - - 21
(Springfield, West springfield)
lets have some 🌠Wednesday✨fun❕❗❕♊ gîrl§ §PËçïål§💕 àväïlâblë ñøw jü§ť ä📞calL àWAsamanth 774 540 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
Thu 09 Jan
*~*Want a new expierance? Come dip your hands in this cookie jar*~* - 19
(Springfield, Springfield (Out Calls Only))
♥ GORGEOUS *★* Sensual *★* Petite *★* Vixen ♥ COMPLETE PACKAGE!! - 22
(Springfield, OUT CALLS ONLY)
º(¯`'UPSCALE¸ ★ (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯) DREAMGIRL (¯`'.¸ ☆ ¸.'´¯) ★ ¸.'´¯)º - 22
(Springfield, OUT CALLS ONLY)
💎When I'm GoOd I'm dam GoOd & when I'm BaD I'm even BeTtEr ❤! - 30
(Northwest/Merrimack, outcalls n.shore,rte16 area no hotels)
Scheduling for tmrw and all week: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
ItS WedNeSdAy ✨come unwind 🌠with 1 or ♊ females✨ Openmind girls gone wild Samantha 774♥ 540♥ 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
██████ JUiCY FAT BOOTY CaRaMeL ▄▀▄▀▄THICK REDBONE▄▀▄▀▄ SoFT Black & Dominican ▄▀▄▀▄ CURVY♥ █████ - 21
(Braintree, my place or your yours braintree)
sexy puerto rican diamond ready to fullfill all your fantasies - 28
(Springfield, springfield ma outcalls only)
-:¦:- W 3 T & W I L D -:¦:- N A U G H T Y -:¦:- L A T I N A -:¦:-
(hartford/BRADLEY AIRPORT windsor locks)
💞🐰💞💎 Your own personal snow bunny💎💞 🐰💞 Blue Eyed Brunette - 23
(Boston, Boston /South end/ south boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
-:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- T H _P R F C T_C H O I C -:¦:- ♛ -:¦:- - 22
(Springfield, out calls only)
EaRly frIDay ✨fun❕FleXiBle FrEaKy GreAt SpEcIaLs📞calLask 70 Rose samanth 774 540 0541 - 21
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
1 hr ntc, 2 girls avail, deals 4 regs:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
💕✨🌟👠💄HOT YOUNG SEXY Upscale Foreign That's Very Discreet 💕 ✨🌟👠💄 - 21
1 hr ntc;2 grls avail; deals 4 regs:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
1 hr ntc, deals 4 regs: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
Wed 08 Jan
Scheduling for tomorrow & all week:Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
Short notice/time SPECIALS till 6 pm: Bored grad student looking for racy fun and rapport- Gillian - 29
(Springfield, Springfield/Holyoke area)
*:©:* S U P E R ©:* S E X Y *:©:* H O T T I E ! ! ! *:VISITING FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! - 23
♥lets play with each other❕♥ ready to meet the real deal ❔❗❓❕♊ girls available✨ JeSSiCa774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
✨ fantastic Tuesday Specials♥ Let Me relives Your Stress♥ ♊ Girls Available❗❕ Sexy Lexi 774 540 0541 - 19
(Springfield, west Springfield OUTCALLS & IN)
💙🍭❄-- Why Have 1 W.3.t, Warm Mouth When You Can Have 2? Only In Town Until 6:30am!! Call/Text ASAP - 24
(Hartford, Springfield)