Sun 12 Jan
*** Many Ladies will be touring Windsor Locks and Hartford Centerfolds and Porn Stars area *****
(Hartford and casino)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Ultra Sensual Exotic, Romantic & Wild- Outcall Springfield / Hartford - 27
(Springfield, OUTCALL Springfield & New England)
Sweet, Curvy, Blond- hosting in Holyoke tonight and tomorrow morning only - 29
(Springfield, Springfield area)
Sweet, Curvy, Blond- incall in Deerfield, outcall to western MA. - 30
(Springfield, Incall- Deerfield, Outcall- Western MA)
*** Many Ladies will be touring Windsor Locks and Hartford Centerfolds and Porn Stars area *****
(Hartford and casino)
A Flirty Sweetheart for Your VIP Taste! - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In your arms ;))
Thu 09 Jan
CoMe aNd reLax *** wiTh A sExY plAymate *** suRe to leAve yoU pleAsed *** bY ALL mEanS !! - - 25
(Springfield, Springfield,ma)
*~ Global Courtesans offers both incall and outcall service in Hartford and Mohegan Sun & Foxwoods - 23
(Springfield, Hartford Connecticut)
BLONDES do if BETTER.:-) COME see Why β‘413.-439-5502 call Angel 24/7 - 39
(Springfield, western Massachusetts, Bradley Airport C)
Wed 08 Jan
*~ Global offers both incall and outcall service in Hartford and Mohegan Sun & Foxwoods - 23
(Springfield, Hartford Connecticut)
COLD?? WANT to WARM UP?? Then see me, BELLA, and warm up! OUTCALLS and INCALL SPECIALS!!! - 30
(Springfield, incall-Springfield, outcalls- ANYWHERE!)
Tue 07 Jan
Sweet, Curvy, Blond and friend- incall in Enfield, outcall to western MA. - 30
(Springfield, Incall- Enfield, Outcall- Western MA)
Mon 06 Jan
****** PokaHoTTne$$ & Essence **** 2 Hot Chicks 150 Outcall Specls - 21
(Springfield, Incall ( Springfield) OutCall/ Ma/Ct)
Sun 05 Jan
****** PokaHoTTne$$ & Essence **** 2 Hot Chicks Specls - 21
(Springfield, Incall ( Springfield) OutCall/ Ma/Ct)
Sat 04 Jan
βNEW PICSβ Beauty of a Booty β‘413.-439-5502 call Angel 24/7 - 39
(Springfield, western Massachusetts)
Fri 03 Jan