Mon 13 Jan
specials 80roses w*t &wild; let me work my magic 🌉 two girl special amber1*508 470 0306 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
Sat 11 Jan
FeelIng StiFf❔GeT SoMe ReLiEf 2 GirLs 💋AvAilAbLe CalL NoW aMber 1413*829*0367 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
【☆I AiM †o Pl∈AS∈! ☆ F®∈AⓚY°】★★【JuiCy BooDy】★【δωεε† & Crεam¥ 】 - 27
(Springfield, WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!)
$100HH 150HR$ 👉Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε💯I🙌💃❤ ØN€☝️◆DØS€ & YØU'LL◆B€◆HØØK€D 🙌❤★��【√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† PℓαγmαTE - 22
(Enfield (10 minutes from Spfd), Springfield)
NeEd SoMe StReSs ReLiEf❓ SaTiAfAcTiOn GuArAnTeEd 💋IN& OuT CaLl SiT BaCk & ReLaX CanDy 1413*489*2265 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
Fri 10 Jan
waNt SoMeThInG SwEet 🍬 Sexy 💋as well As SatIsfYiNg❕❓ CaLl 📞CaNdy 1413*489*2265 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
BETHANY-The Sweetest Dream Around! Sexy & Sweet-The Perfect Combo Girl - 29
(INCALL Ware, Springfield)
Thu 09 Jan
TrY SomeThiNg🍒 SwEet EnOuGh To SaTiSfy💋 AnY CrAvInG CaLl CaNdy💋 413*489*2265💋 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
💦 W💧T &wild; let me work my magic 🌉 two girl special amber 508 470 0306 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
TrEaT YoUrSelF & TrY SoMeThInG NEw💋SaTiAfY 💋 YoUr EvErY💋 NeED CaLl 📞NOw CanDy 🍬 413*489*2265 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
Wed 08 Jan
…………………100% 21 yrs old ………………Asian Babe Just Arrived US………………T O P……………… Nuru ………… By myself ………………… - 21
(Enfield 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 91 Ex47E 🔴🔴🔴�, Springfield)
VicKy iS BaCk SaTisfYiNg 🍒sunday 💋 ToP Ur NigHt WiTh SoMe SweEtNesS 160 roses2 girlLS 1413*351*3959 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
ThE 💋 PeRfEcT TrEaT DelIcIoUs 💋 SwEeT & LoVeLy CalL Missy 🎀 413*799*8654 - 21
(**west side**route 5 in & out, Springfield)
Tue 07 Jan
GoOd GiRlS🍒 Go To HeVaN🍒 BaD GiRlS MaKe U FeEl 🍒 LiKe Ur In💋 HeVaN CaLl💋 NoW CaNdY413*489*2265 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
eveything your heart desires i will have you coming back for more(2 girl specials)miss 774 *540*0541 - 21
(**west side**, Springfield)
Curvy, Sensual and Sweet AimieLynn; Springfield /Hartford this and next week! - 38
Sat 04 Jan
💋 N€W †Ø †h€ ÂR€Â • 💕 • ¥ÕU wÕn† F¡nD Ân¥†h¡Ng B€††€R • 💕 • Âv¡LÂBL€ NØW💋 - 21
(Enfield incalls, Springfield)
Thu 02 Jan